Overview of ROS 2 CLI Tools

Detailed Description of Common ROS 2 CLI Commands

ros2 run

Description: Runs a ROS 2 node.

ros2 run <package_name> <executable_name>

ros2 launch

Description: Launches multiple nodes defined in a launch file.


ros2 launch <package_name> <launch_file>


ros2 launch demo_nodes_cpp talker_listener.launch.py

(Launches nodes as defined in the talker_listener.launch.py from the demo_nodes_cpp package)

ros2 topic

Description: Tools for interacting with ROS 2 topics.


  • list: Lists all active topics.
ros2 topic list
  • echo: Prints messages from a topic.
ros2 topic echo /chatter
  • pub: Publishes a message to a topic.
ros2 topic pub /chatter std_msgs/msg/String "data: 'Hello, ROS 2'" 
  • info: Shows information about a topic.
ros2 topic info /chatter

ros2 service

Description: Tools for interacting with ROS 2 services.


  • list: Lists all active services.
ros2 service list
  • call: Calls a service
ros2 service call /add_two_ints example_interfaces/srv/AddTwoInts "{a: 1, b: 2}"
  • type: Shows the service type.
ros2 service type /add_two_ints
  • info: Shows information about a service.
ros2 service info /add_two_ints

ros2 node

Description: Tools for interacting with ROS 2 nodes.


  • list: Lists all active nodes.
ros2 node list
  • info: Shows information about a node.
ros2 node info /talker
  • kill: Terminates a node.
ros2 node kill /talker

ros2 bag

Description: Tools for recording and playing back ROS 2 bag files.


  • record: Records topics to a bag file.
ros2 bag record -o my_bag /chatter /parameter_events
  • play: Plays back messages from a bag file.
ros2 bag play my_bag
  • info: Shows information about a bag file.
ros2 bag info my_bag